

The HR digital platform contains a number of modules that are fundamental to employee engagement and management throughout the employee Lifecyle. The modules outlined below are housed on this platform, incorporating the client’s corporate identity.

Job Profiles

Job profiles are created for each position within your company. Employee logged onto the Platform can view their areas of responsibilities, intended outcomes and measures. Managers will be able to view the job profiles of any employees reporting to them, as well as their own areas of responsibility.

Performance Management

MPS strives to ensure a productive and effective work force, by designing a performance management process based on your organisation specific needs that talks tFFo tangible and measurable deliverables per individual in your organisation.


MPS strives to ensure a productive and effective work force, by designing a performance management process based on your organisation specific needs that talks to tangible and measurable deliverables per individual in your organisation.

Learner Management System

This module provides the ability to manage all training requirements both facilitated and e-learning. All supporting documents, in various formats, can be loaded on the platform and reports of completion as well as assessment results can be obtained.

Career Pathing

This module provides the ability to map out the growth paths available within your company, as well as map out the training, knowledge, experience and interactions required to move into your selected preferred career path. Once a career path is selected by an employee, the manager is prompted to have career or development discussions them.

360 Assessments and Surveys

360 Assessments allows a more holistic approach in assessing performance. It enables individuals to be more self-aware in understanding how their actions and attitudes are perceived by others. Surveys can be any form of survey that is required by the organisation, this can range from engagement survey to exit interviews.